Richard Lunsford's 1,000 Gallon Poly Stock Tank Enclosures
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Roughly 1,000 gallon poly stock tank (9'x2.5') largely covered by water hyacinth (later thinned greatly since it was getting close to the rim, creating an escape risk).
The PVC pipe across the center serves to tie off a submerged Island Planter (plastic tub with foam ring for bouyancy, which serves to grow bog plants (dwarf blue & variegated rush, lizards-tail) & gave our Mississippi Mud Turtle a shallow, vegetated area to hang out (& I think burrow into).
A large piece of cork bark over the rim of that Floating Island provides a basking platform.
A Cyprio Titan 1450 pump send water to a Pondmaster submersible UV-clarifier (to kill algae for clear water). Holes were drilled in both sides for emergency drainage during floods.
2 Plastic plant pots hold native water lillies. This setup was home to a chicken turtle, midland painted turtle, Mississippi mud turtle, Texas map turtle & 2 razorback musk turtles.
Photo: Richard Lunsford.